Executive Committee

​​​​​​Purpose and Scope
  1. Executive committee. The executive committee shall address legislative issues and proposals and review administrative regulations for submission to the board including:
    • ​​​(a) Recommending to the board promulgation of administrative regulations, amendment of administrative regulations, or repeal of administrative regulations relating to:
  1. All levels of personnel licensed or certified by the board and ambulance services licensed or certified by the board;
  2. Rules and operating procedures for the board and each of its standing committees and task forces;
  3. EMS Grant Program; and
  4. EMS for Children Program;
    • ​​​(b) Serving as a resource for board staff:
  1. In reviewing applications regarding requests for funding under programs administered by or overseen by the board;
  2. With the development of funding programs or applications, including state and federal grants pertaining to EMS and monitoring and reviewing the grants once received by the board;
  3. With creating and recommending to the board a biennial budget for the board prior to submission to appropriate state agencies;
  4. With identifying, developing and recommending to the board sources of funding for its programs; and
  5. In developing reimbursement programs and providing consult for emergency medical service providers.
    • ​​(c) Making recommendations to the board regarding fees to be charged by the board.

From KBEMS Board Chair John Holder: Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 and my authority as the Chair of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, I hereby appoint the following membership to KBEMS Standing Committees and Subcommittees for a one (1) year term from December 1, 2024 - November 30, 2025.​

Members of the Executive Committee: (7 Members, 4 must be board members)
Keith Smith, Board Member - Chair, keith.smith3@bhsi.com
David Webb, Board Member - Vice Chair, david.webb@gmr.net
Harry Clark, Board Member, harry.clark@rcky.us​
Brandon Edmiston, Board Member, brandon@edmistonholdings.com​ ​
​ Ex Officio:
​Eddie Slone - KBEMS Executive Director, eddied.slone@ky.gov
