Available now: online, on-demand, FREE, 1-hour version of the KYEMSC PAHT Course
EMS Provider Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma 1095906
A program for EMS and First Responders: This course is authored by Dr. Melissa Currie, a board-certified child abuse pediatrician and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Louisville School of Medicine Dr. Currie is the Medical Director and Division Chief of the Kosair Charities Division of Pediatric Forensic Medicine; and narrated by Morgan Scaggs, KYEMSC Project Director. Completion of this program conveys Kentucky EMS Providers 1.0 CEU in Pediatric Trauma and fulfills the training required by KRS.311A.120
KBEMS has mandated that all emergency medical responders be trained in the recognition and prevention of pediatric abusive head trauma, commonly called shaken baby syndrome, as required by KRS 311A.120. Effective December 31, 2015 all emergency medical responders must maintain documentation of completion of a KBEMS approved PAHT course that is less than five years old. Legislation passed in 2019 changed the requirement to completion of 1 hour of approved PAHT training every two years.