Purpose and Scope
- The Education Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members representative of EMS Educators in the state of Kentucky. At least one (1) voting member of the Education Committee shall also be a member of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services.
- The Education Committee shall schedule on an annual basis at least six (6) regular meetings of the committee.
- The purpose and charge of the Education Committee shall be to:
- Assist the board in developing a strategic plan for EMS education in the state of Kentucky;
- Act as a resource for EMS educators and EMS-TEIs in the Commonwealth; and
- Assume the lead role in formulating, drafting, and sending to the board for approval and subsequent promulgation of all administrative regulations that set the standards and requirements for EMS education in Kentucky.
From KBEMS Board Chair John Holder: Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 and my authority as the Chair of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, I hereby appoint the following membership to KBEMS Standing Committees and Subcommittees for a one (1) year term from December 1, 2024 - November 30, 2025.
Members of the Education Committee: (7 Members, 1 must be a Board member)
Jim Duke - Chair, jduke@com-careinc.com
Jimmy VanCleve - Vice Chair,
Ron Crafton, MD - Board Member
Elizabeth Shelton Harney, lizharney134@gmail.com
Samantha Feldman,
Ashley Powell,
Scott Suttles, APRN, scott.suttles@pikevillehospital.org
Ex Officio:
Eddie Slone - KBEMS Executive Director,
Robert Andrew - KBEMS Director of Education & Licensure,