10.1 Committees.
The Board is directed through statute to establish committees and subcommittees. KRS 311A.020(1)(h). All standing committees must be created through statutory or regulatory process. Subcommittees may be created through statute, regulation, or motion and affirmative vote. Creation of subcommittees shall be by a majority vote of the committee to which it is attached and a majority vote of the Board. All Standing committees and subcommittees shall follow these policies, practices, and procedures established in this Section
10.2 Membership.
Standing Committees and subcommittees may be comprised of both Board members and nonmembers, but all committees members shall reflect the qualifications of the Board members. KRS 311A.020(1)(h). The majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall by Board members. To the Extent practicable, Standing Committees should be comprised of representatives from different service stypes, provider levels, and geographic regions of the Commonwealth. Standing Committees shall not be comprised of:
A. More than one person employed by the same EMS serice, parent company, or contract service; or
B. Persons employed by the Board or Board Office within the last six (6) months.
10.3 Appointment.
The Board Chair shall appoint the members of any Standing Committees or subcommittees.
10.4 Chairs.
The Chairs of Standing Committees and subcommittees shall be appointed by the Board Chair. It is within the Board Chair's discretion to require persons acting as Chairs of Standing Committees and subcommittees to be Board members.
10.5 Ex Officio Members.
The Board Chair shall be an ex officio, but nonvoting, member of all Standing Committees and subcommittees. The Executive Director shall serve as an ex officio, but nonvoting, member to all Standing Committees and subcommittees. The Board Chair may also appoint Board Office staff members to serve as ex officio members of any Standing Committee or subcommittee.
10.6 Terms.
Standing Committee and subcommittee members shall serve a term of two (2) years. Terms expire on September 30 of the second year of the member's term. The Board may set a limit to the number of terms committee and subcommittee members may serve, but the Board must do so through amendments to these bylaws or by administrative regulation. The Chair should appoint or reappoint members to committees and subcommittees not before September 1 nor any later than September 30.
Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 Section 2(10), a member of a Standing Committee, subcommittee, or task force who is absent for three (3) or more regular meetings in a term of one (1) year shall be found to have resigned from his or her appointed position and his or her position shall be determined vacant.
The Board Clerk shall keep a record of each Standing Committee member's, subcommittee member's, and task force member's meeting absences. Upon a determination that a member has failed to attend two (2) regular meetings in a one (1) year period, the Clerk shall promptly provide written notice of the member's absences to the member and the Board Chair, and shall identify in the notice the dates on which the absences occurreed.
Upon determination that a member has violated 202 KAR 7:020 Section 2(10), the Clerk shall promptly provide written notice of the violation to the Board Chair, identifying the dates on which the three (3) regular meeting absences occurred. Upon receiving the Clerk's written notice of a 202 KAR 7:020 Section 2(10) violation, and upon verifying that a violation has occurred, the Board Chair shall promptly provide written notice to the member that, pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 Section 2(10), the member has been deemed to have resigned from his or her appointed position on the Standing Committee, subcommittee, or task force, and his or her position has been deemed vacant. The Board Chair shall attach to the notice to the member the Clerk's notice identifying the dates on which the three (3) regular meeting absences occurred.
10.7 Meetings.
Standing Committees, subcommittees, and task forces must make all meetings open to the public unless an exception in KRS 61.810 allows the committee or task force to go into closed session. If such exception exists, the committee or task force must follow the requirements of the Open Meetings Act for conducting closed sessions. Prior to going into closed session, the committee or task force shall seek legal counsel.
10.8 Regular Meetings Schedule.
Each Standing Committee. subcommittee, or task force shall set a schedule of regular meetings, which shall be posted on the Board's website no later than two (2) weeks following the adoption of the schedule.
10.9 Special Meetings.
The Chair or a mahority of the members of a Standing Committee, subcommittee, or task force may call special meetings. Special meetings shall be called only when necessary. Special meetings shall be held with at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice to all members of the Standing Committee, subcommittee, or task force, including ex officio members, the public, and media organizations that have filed a written request to receive notice of meetings. As soon as possible, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours beore a special meeting, written notice shall also be posted in a conspicuous place in: (1) the building where the special meeting will take place and (2) the Board's headquarters.
10.10 Agenda.
The agenda for a regular meeting and supporting documents for regular meeting agenda items shall, to the extent practicable, be made available to committee members or task force members no later than seven (7) days prior to all regular meetings. The agenda for a special meeting and supporting documents for special meeting agenda items shall be provided with the notice of the special meeting.
10.11 Quorum.
The quorum necessary for any committee or task force to conduct business shall be a majority of the membership of the committee or task force.
10.12 Vote.
An affirmative vote of a majority of the committee or task force members present shall be required to carry all proposed actions.
10.13 Carried Propositions.
Standing committees may take carried propositions directly to the full Board. Subcommittees may vote to carry propositions but any business conducted must be voted upon and carried in its parent Standing Committee before it is taken to the full Board for a vote.
10.14 Minutes.
All committees and task forces must accurately record the conduct and outcomes of their meetings. Draft minutes must be made available to committee and task force members within seven (7) days of the meeting. Minutes shall be made available to the public by no later than immediately following the next meeting of the committee or task force an shall be published on the Board's website within fifteen (15) days of the meeting during which the minutes were approved.
10.15 Conduct.
All committee meetings shall be conducted pursuant to Robert s Rules of Order (11th ed.).
10.16 Report.
Only the Chair, or in the Chair's absence, the Vice-Chair of a Standing Committee is permitted to take reports or recommendations for action to the Board. Reports shall be brought to the Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting.
10.17 Effect of Committee Action.
All Committee Actions are advisory only. The Board takes all final action.
10.18 Purposes of Committees.
Purposes of Standing Committees are set out in KRS 311A.020(5) (Personnel Committee) and in 202 KAR 7:020 Section 2.
10.19 Actions of Committees.
No action recommended or taken by the variously established Standing Committees shall contradict any other statutory or regulatory provision. Specifically, the Personnel Committee may not exercise final personnel action over the Executive Director, Legal Counsel, or the State Medical Advisor. Subcommittees exist for the purposes expressly assigned to them through the recommendation of the Standing Committees to which they are attached and finally approved by the Board when voting to create such bodies.
10.20 Task Forces.
202 KAR 7:020 Section 1(6)-(10) details the creation of task forces, including but not limited to, persons who may request their formation and who has power to appoint and reappoint members. No vote of the Board may contradict a task force's regulatory requirements, but the task force may be dissolved upon the Board Chair's request and a majority vote of the Board. Task forces are not subcommittees. Task forces must be formed in accordance with regulation to address specific work, not overall ideas involved with areas of the provision of Emergency Medical Services. Although task forces are not Standing Committees or subcommittees, they shall follow all rules for the conduct of their meetings, including but not limited to quorum, voting, and public notice. Robert's Rules of Order (11th ed.) shall govern any points of order not covered in statute or administrative regulation.
10.21 Grievances.
Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 Section 7, any person or entity negatively affected by the action of a standing committee or a task force may appeal to the Board.