Data Management Committee

​​​​​​​​​​​​Purpose and Scope
  1. The development of a statewide plan for data collection and compliance;
  2. Identification of information initiatives for EMS in Kentucky;
  3. Identification and research of funding sources tied to EMS data collection;
  4. Assistance to licensed services with questions or other needs associated with this administrative regulation, KRS Chapter 311A, and other issues associated with the board’s statutory authority to require data collection and submission; and
  5. ​Matters identified by board members, the chair, or the executive director that involve data collection, data submission, or information use.

From KBEMS Board Chair John Holder: Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 and my authority as the Chair of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, I hereby appoint the following membership to KBEMS Standing Committees and Subcommittees for a one (1) year term from December 1, 2024 - November 30, 2025.​
Members of the Data Management Committee: (7 Members, 1 must be board member)
Mike Rogers - Chair,
Marty Barnett - Vice Chair,
Tricia Steward - Board Member,​​
Trish Cooper,​
Paul Phillips,​

Ex Officio:
Eddie Slone - Executive Director,​  
Douglas Taylor - Director of EMS Data Systems,​
