Medical Oversight Committee

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Purpose and Scope

​(2) Medical oversight committee. The medical oversight committee shall address issues pertaining to quality assurance, medical control, scope of practice, medical standards of curricula or other related issues as may be assigned by the board.

From KBEMS Board Chair John Holder: Pursuant to 202 KAR 7:020 and my authority as the Chair of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, I hereby appoint the following membership to KBEMS Standing Committees and Subcommittees for a one (1) year term from December 1, 2024 - November 30, 2025.​

​Members of the Medical Oversight Committee: (7 Members, 1 must be board member)

Chris Lokits, Board Member - Chair,
Brent Turvey - Vice Chair,
​​Jeff Thurman, MD,
Cliff Freeman, MD
Kevin McClendon, MD
Joe Middleton, APRN,​
​Brian Lawson,​

Ex Officio:

Walt Lubbers, MD - State Medical Advisor,​
Eddie Slone - KBEMS Executive Director,
